macbook air a1466 backlight fuse and lcd connectors repair

macbook air a1466 backlight fuse and lcd connectors repair hamilton new zealand

Professional macbook repair in hamilton new zealand. This macbook air a1466 baclight fuse and lcd connectors repait done at applefix hamilton. The logic board of the macbook was liquid damaged and after some repair attempts at other macbook repair shops it was sent to us. Full backlight circuit was blown including lcd connectors. i have already wrote a blog on macbook backlight ic repair which you can read here.

On this macbook first we tested backlight ic whcih was faluty and it was replaced but even after replacing the back light ic still no image. i checked the lcd lvds connectors and find that both backlight lines are burnt on lcd connectors and one of the backlight line pad is ripped / burnt.

Even-though i could have jump wired burnt connectors to existing lcd connectors but because of the extreme liquid damage i decided to replace the macbook air lcd connectors.

In this kind of repair it is very important to have knowledge of how to read schematic diagram. Specially when some of the pads are burnt on pcb board. Without not having the knowledge of where these lines are leading to it is almost impossible to do a successful repair.

To check your macbook backlight problem you can read good article here.

macbook air a1466 backlight fuse and lcd connectors repair at applefix hamilton

If you are reading this article to have some knowledge it is important to know that water or liquid damage electronics will not work just by cleaning because if there is a short on the board it cant be removed by cleaning. Cleaning is important but after you finished examining the board. The solution we use for ultrasonic clean are military grade and will will leave any traces of liquid damage after cleaning and it will be hard to find damaged area. For example see in the below picture we can see where the damage on the logic board is.

macbook air a1466 backlight fuse and lcd connectors repair
macbook air a1466 backlight fuse and lcd connectors repair

If your macbook or any other electronic is liquid damaged. Do not turn on do not charge you will make it worse. Rice remedy and hot cupboard treatment never worked. Having moisture or any liquid inside or on the logicboard will create conductivity and flow of the current throu this conductivity will burn the small components on logic board.

Applefix hamilton at 125 ward street hamilton new zealand are experts in repairing macbook logicboard. Send us query here

or call 078394188. If you live out of hamilton you can send your device read instructions here.