iPhone 6 no service or searching solution
If you are having this problem and looking for iPhone 6 no service or searching solution read this blog. Iphone 6 network searching and showing no network problem could be hardware or software problem. Before you take your iPhone to a iPhone repair shop. We recommend you try fixing it yourself.
iPhone 6 no service or searching software solution.
- Reset and update iPhone carrier settings. Click on settings tab, click general school down all the way and click reset. Now click reset network settings. iPhone will restart. Check if the shows network. If not, try below step.
- If you can connect iPhone to wifi try updating the IOS software If there is an update avaiable then update to latest available version of IOS.
- Click setting, click service provider. If it is on automatic try manual network search if your network or carrier shows on the list select it. If this does not work take the sim card and you can clean the metal connector on the sim with a clean cloth. Insert sim and check if you can connect to network.
- If all above didn’t worked. then last software option is to connect your iPhone to your computer and do a competes reset. Before you reset make sure all the data is backed. If your iPhone not showing any network it is dangerous to do complete reset as it might not activate once reset it done.
iPhone 6 no service or searching hardware solution.
If you have tried all available software solution and still iPhone 6 searching for network most probably it is a hardware problem.
- iPhone 6 network antenna is part of charging dock. First part you have to replace is iPhone 6 full charging dock or charging port. How to replace iPhone 6 charging port dock you can read here. or here if antenna is faulty you should get network if not then it is no more DIY repair and you have to take it to a highly skilled iPhone repair shop. Most of the iPhone repair shop doing just lcd replacement but when it comes to complicated iPhone logic board repair they will out source it. At applefix hamilton at 85/a victria street hamilton we do all the repairs in store. If you have tried all above and still no success bring it to us and we will fix it.
- There are couple of ics which manages your iPhone connection to the carrier. Out of these all iPhone network ic ( internal circuit ) most important is baseband ic MDM9625M OBA baseband CPU ic 4G LTE chip modem processor U-BB-RF
iPhone 6 no service or searching solution of repairing baseband ic is very skilled repair. Remove baseband ic then clean the pads on logic board recall it and then install is again. Below is picture of baseband ic successfully removed.
Even though there are few other ic which also controls network connection. But after recalling and installing successfully if network still doesn’t show then you will move to next one. After replacing baseband CPU ic MDM9625M it is not recommended to go to next network ic. If you know how to read board schematics then we will advise to check network circuit and other small components, filters, coils, resistors. After replacing baseband ic we tested the test point and all data and power lines current was fine.
If you don’t live in hamilton and your local iPhone repair shop unable to fix any of your iPhone 6 hardware or software problem. You can send your device to us for a professional iPhone repair.
After replacing baseband ic we get the network on iPhone 6 and one more happy customer.
Call us 078394188 for a free quote.