ipad air charging ic replacement and charging port repair
One of the most common repair we doing at applefix hamilton is ipad air ic replacement and charging port repair this repair is not recommended for DIY. We have been receiving ipad air 1 and 2 for charging problems. Some of the ipad air which was sent to us from other repair shops with not charging problem. They already tried to fix by replacing the ipad air battery. We would like to let other technicians know that ipad air not charging is rarely the battery problem. If ipad air is not charging than you most probably have to replace charging ic or charging port most probably both of them. Ipad air charging ic part number is 1610A1 also called tristar usb charging ic. This ic version 1610A1 is not stable design and failing on ipad air 1 and 2. If you to replace it you can use 1610A3 which is latest version and more stable. The ipad which came to us for ipad air charging ic replacement and charging port repair. the first part we check is the id charging port is delivering the current to board with multi-meter.

on one side there are 23 connectors and other side 24 connectors. We follow a chart which is taken from working board reading to compare the reading. If there is ant voltage or current drop we see than first part we have to replace is charging port. removing the faulty charging port is easy. Tin connectors and than remove with soldering iron. Clean charging connectors pads. You can read another blog on ipad air repair here.

To make good joints with new charging port it has to be 100 clean. See in the above picture a good example of clean pads ready for new ipad air charging port.

professional ipad air charging port repair in hamilton new zeland
New charging port has to be correctly aligned on the ipad air logic board. If they are not aligned you cant make good joints. This is bit complicated and require experience and skills to solder ipad air charging port solder joints. After replacing charging port check the current on each connection with multimeter. Check charging if not charging than move to charging ic.
ipad air charging ic replacement in hamilton new zeland
ipad air charging ic is under fill. Removing or desoldering the under-fill ic is complicated. First you have to remove the side glue around the ic without damaging the close by resistors and capacitors and diods. If you wont remove the glue most of the small components will come out wit ic. See in the below picture ipad air charging ic is taken out and new ic is ready to be solder on.

If you having charging problem on your ipad air and your local shop says it is not fixable bring it to applefix hamilton. If you dont live in hamilton you can send your device. Or call 078394188 for a free quote of send us a query. The above job done successfully.