dead iPhone data recovery

dead iPhone data recovery hamilton nz

There are several software avaiable which claim dead iPhone data recovery solutions. But the problem is when the iPhone is completely water damaged or dead the software doesn’t do anything. To do dead iPhone data recovery you have to know iPhone working mechanism from A to Z. Ability to read schematic and understating of different electronic components of lcd iPhone pcb board like capacitors, diode, resistors, filter and ics.

dead iPhone data recovery
dead iPhone data recovery

right approach to do dead iPhone data recovery

We receive lot of dead iPhones, most of them are water damaged or gone dead for unknown reason. We always ask customer if they want their iPhone to get fixed to use it or their data is important. if hey want to get it fixed for further use we have to make sure every functionality is working on iPhone like wifi, bluetooth baseband display charging etc. But if they just getting it fixed because their data is important on iPhone then we have to follow a different approach. If we have to do only data recovery from dead iPhone we only concentrate on working power ic, working processor and display ic. This is bit complicated to explain here but we are so perfect in doing dead iPhone data recover we can create new path to power processor and display so that data can be recovered. But sometimes if the iPhone nand ic, where data is stored is badly damaged then it is not possible to recover the data. It brings smile on our faces when our hard work paid off and we see an apple logo from a dead iPhone and of course another happy customer because we know how important it is to get precious pictures , contact numbers and music is when its lost.

dead iPhone data recovery
dead iPhone data recovery

bring it to applefix hamilton dead iPhone data recovery

It is very important to bring your iPhone to a highest skilled shop if your data is important. We have seen few iPhone badly messed up from non skilled shops and made even harder to fix. We are best at dead iPhone data recover bring it to applefix hamilton at 85/a victoria street hamilton or call 088394188. if you live out of hamilton send your device.