macbook pro lcd backlight repair

macbook pro lcd backlight repair hamilton

When you hardly see apple logo while you start macbook most probably you need macbook pro lcd backlight repair bring it to applefix hamilton at 85/a victoria street. When you start macbook you will hear the starup chime and it will start but you might not be able to see the display. But if you put any light behind the lcd where the apple logi is at the back you will see IOS booting up see the example in the below picture.

macbook pro lcd backlight repai
macbook pro lcd backlight repai

See in the above picture in the red circle. We put light behind the lcd and we can see apple logo. This is a clear indication that back light circuit is faulty.

macbook pro backlight circuit inspection.

Back light circuit on macbook will have fuse, capacitor, transistor. You should be able to read the schematic diagram to find the fault. First component you will be looking at is backlight fuse or filter. If the fuse is fine you can check off line or online component functionality. From our expenience if it is not the fuse the most probably it should be backlight ic. In this repair macbook backlight fuse was working fine and it came out to be backlight ic. If you would like to do a DIY and confused with the part number here is the part number of this chip. LP8550TLX-E00 D688 D68B LP8550 BGA25 you can buy these ics off ebay. But this repair involves micro soldering skills. Taking out ic chip is skilled job. in the below picture you can see the location and the chip has taken out

macbook pro lcd backlight repair
macbook pro lcd backlight repair

Once backlight ic is taken out clean the pads using flat tip soldering iron and lot of flux. cleaning of the pads is important so that you dont have any weak or cold joints. Aligning the new ic to the pads and then reheating it so that solder balls meltdown to make strong connection. heating it too low you will have weak joints or no joints and heating ic too hard will break it.

macbook pro lcd backlight repair
macbook pro lcd backlight repair

We recommend dont try doing it yourself. leave it to professionals. if you are looking for macbook lcd backlight repair shop in hamilton waikato, bring it to AppleFix Hamilton or call 078394188 for a quote.

macbook pro lcd backlight repair
macbook pro lcd backlight repair