iPhone 6s not charging u2 ic replacement repair Hamilton
iPhone 6s stopped charging, you replacement battery, charging port but still doesn’t charge. Most probably charging ic also called u2 or u4500 tristar ic is not working. Get it fixed at AppleFix Hamilton iPhone 6s not charging u2 ic replacement. The symptoms of a faulty iPhone 6s charging ic are your iPhone will charge slowly and discharge quickly. This is also called iPhone fake charging. Other symtoms are once iPhone has gone dead it will not charge. Another symptom is computer wont recognize if the iPhone is connected. iPhone 6s tristar usb charging ic replacement is a delicate repair. Get it done professionally at applefix call 078394188.
We have already done few iPhone 6s charging ic replacement and expecting more to come . Below is iphone 6s came to our shop with same iPhone 6s not charging or dead and fixed same day.

iPhone 6s charging replacement is it difficult?
Yes it is difficult. if you not an expertise in micro soldering. Reading schematic diagrams. Then don’t do it you will end up destroying iPhone board. Lcd replacement on iPhone is child’s play these days. even a 10 year old kid can replace iPhone lcd with a plunger , screw driver. But when it come to difficult repairs of logic board then you have to have education , expertise and knowledge of electronics. in the below picture you see iPhone 6s not charging u2 ic is removed.

As you can see in the above picture u2 charging ic removed successfully. We have seen some iPhone with a messed up job from non skilled technicians. they will either break the pads underneath ic or worst burn whole board. Repairing equipment we use are hitech and very precise. But of course only having high-tech equipment are not enough repairing skills are necessary.

Charging ic replaced successfully. Now time to check if it worked?

It worked perfectly fine.
where to get iPhone 6s charging ic replaced in Hamilton Waikato.
If you are having same problem on any of your iPhone and battery or charging port replacement didn’t fixed the problem. bring it to AppleFix at 85/a Victoria street Hamilton or call 078394188 to get a quote.