iPad mini u2 charging ic repair

iPad mini u2 charging ic repair hamilton

iPad mini u2 charging ic repair is not easy. Even experienced technicians sometimes failed to do a successful iPad mini charging ic repair. This is a common problem with all the iPad generation where apple has used part number 1610A1. This is the part number which commonly known as u2 charging ic or u2 tristar ic. in later models apple has introduced much stable version of us ic which is 1610A2 and 1610A3. if you are a technician you might want to replace 1610A1 with A2 or A3.

Symptoms of iPad mini u2 charging ic failure.

if charging ic is totally fried iPad will go dead. No charging no connectivity to iTunes or computer. It can also show fake charging. Fake charing is it will charge quickly and discharge quickly or very slow charging. Another way to check is use a DC power supply and check while charging if any current drawn or not. If it is showing no current drawn most probably it is charging ic. This sort of repair you can’t get done from an ordinary iPhone or iPad lcd replacement shop. This is a high-tech repair at applefix hamilton we do it in store same day. How small is iPad mini u2 charging ic look in below picture.

iPad mini u2 charging ic repair
iPad mini u2 charging ic repair

above iPad mini u2 charging ic repair was done successfully at applefix hamilton at 85/a victoria street. Taking out u2 charging ic from logic board is nightmare for some technicians but we take it out like a pro with shining pads underneath.

iPad mini u2 charging ic repair
iPad mini u2 charging ic repair

The shinning pad you see on the logic board is evidence that u2 ic has been removed successfully. Most of technicians end up pulling up pads and destroy board. It doesn’t end here next difficult step is soldering the charging ic back on the logic board. We have done it so any times that it feel easy for our techs.

iPad mini u2 charging ic repair
iPad mini u2 charging ic repair

See above picture in the red circle. Even the faulty lcd came out clean this is a clean pull. New ic is soldered.

Another successful iPad mini u2 charging ic repair at applefix

The charging ic replaced perfectly. see below picture.

iPad mini u2 charging ic repair
iPad mini u2 charging ic repair

Do you want to learn advance board repair?

We have been getting lots of calls around the country from mobile phone repair shop asking us how they can advance their repairing skills. These repairs involves basic understating of electronics components. Be able to read schematic etc. We have decided to introduce a short course. Which we will be announcing in near future. remember if any of your apple product fails bring it to Applefix at 85/a victoria street hamilton or call us 078394188.