Often such situations occur when water gets into your iPhone charging port. It may happen due to your phone falling in the water or you accidentally put it on a wet surface. You may end up with an iPhone charging port repair to eliminate the problem.
You can save your iPhone from severe damage if you act without wasting time. You may not even need a repair if you get water out in time. Use these simple techniques to get water out of your phone’s charging port.
Shake Your Phone
This is the simplest and the easiest way to get water from your iPhone charging port. If water gets in your iPhone, you will see a warning notification. To prevent possible harm to your iPhone, disconnect all connections. To prevent any short circuit:
- Power off your iPhone. If it is possible, remove your phone’s battery.
- Tap your phone gently while holding it upright. The lighting connector must face downwards.
- Tap it gently on your hand so the water may fall out as much as possible.
It will also prevent the water from going further in. The excess liquid will also fall out.
Expose It To Sun And Air
Sun and heat are excellent methods of evaporation. If you want to remove water from your iPhone charging port, put it in the sunlight for a bit. Please leave it in the open air and sunlight for the water to dry.
However, with this technique, you need to be quite cautious. If your iPhone is exposed to the sunlight for a prolonged time, it can permanently damage your phone. Leaving it in the sunlight for an extended period can damage your battery, screen, and small circuit board.
Use A Cooling Fan
You can use a cooling fan or a hair dryer to make the drying process faster. After shaking the water off your phone, you can place it in front of a cooling fan. Put it from enough distance from the cooling fan that the air can reach up and dry the water. The air must blow diagonally into the charging port of your iPhone.
However, while using a cooling fan, be careful and blow the air from a distance. Make sure the cooling fan is set on its lower setting. If not done the right way, you may end up blowing the water further into your phone.
Things To Avoid When Getting Water Out Of Your iPhone Charging Port
It would help if you did NOT do some things when getting water out of your phone’s charging port. The things that you should avoid are discussed below.
Do Not Put Any Foreign Object
Cleaning the charging port with a cotton swab or a paper towel may seem ideal, but it isn’t. You can end up pushing water further into your device.
If not, you may damage your phone’s internal components by scratching or displacing them.
Avoid Using Hair Dryer
Many online guides suggest using a hair dryer but do not do that. Hair drying will blow hot air inside your phone. This will result in your phone heating up. Your phone gets overheated and may deform the metal inside the charging port.
Do Not Use Dry Rice
You may have heard that putting your phone in a bowl of dry rice will help with water damage. You risk damaging your phone’s charging port with tiny bits of rice or starch.
Now, you know what to do and what not to when getting water out of your phone. We have your back if you need an iPhone battery replacement, Samsung screen repair, or Oppo screen repair. Contact Apple Fix to get all your repairing issues fixed!